- Free access into monthly meeting events. These meetings vary every month and include panel discussions, fireside chats, speed networking, parties, and more! Your membership gets you free access for 1 or more people depending on your level as well as free food and drink at each event.
- Access and alerts to the Third Thursday Breakfast club networking session to meet and engage with other production professionals in the industry.
- Access to and the ability to post on the DPA Listserve with over 3,000 production professionals able to provide insight, support, and information. It's a treasure trove of professional insight and information.
- Discounts on equipment, services, and rentals from our vendors, suppliers, and partners where available.
- A great chance to network and connect with production professionals in the DFW area!
Sponsorships automatically renew annually. When you sign up, you will be asked to provide a credit card to Stripe, our credit card processor. Sponsor benefits are contingent upon successful renewal.
Absolutely! Sign up using the choices above. You will need to be re-approved by the DPA board, but will have full member benefits once re-approved.
The DPA board meets monthly to discuss general business, upcoming events, and new and returning member applications. The process of approval completely depends on the information you supply when you sign up. The board will follow up with any questions regarding your application, so make sure to add in a current email and phone number so we can contact you as necessary. Absolutely! Sign up using the choices above. You will need to be re-approved by the DPA board, but will have full member benefits once re-approved.